Are your earrings hypoallergenic?

I make sure to always use nickel-free earring hooks. I prefer to use stainless or surgical steel, sterling silver, or gold plated sterling silver. I’m constantly testing new materials to find the absolute best and highest quality, and will do my best to be as transparent about the materials used in my product descriptions. If you do have a specific allergy, please feel free to reach out to me if needed.


Do you do custom pieces?

I have done custom orders and am happy to do them when I have time. I will use social media and my newsletter to announce when I am open to custom orders.

Are your pieces vegan?

As someone who has followed a vegetarian and at times vegan diet for over a decade, I understand the importance of reducing factory farming and ensuring sustainability. However, I believe we have a responsibility to maintain a good relationship with the world and believe in a responsible stewardship of the natural environment. Hides and porcupine quills have been used for generations and will last a lifetime if well kept well. I try to ensure that my materials are locally and ethically sourced whenever possible, this means home-tanned hides from hunting, or recycled leather scraps that would have ended up in landfills.


My prices are based on materials used and the time it takes to create a piece. Beadwork in particular is a very slow and laborious process. The smallest pair of earrings can still take me several hours to make. All my resin earrings use hand collected flowers, with a flower drying process that can take between 1-3 weeks to complete. The resin is also done in small batches and I use a layering technique to keep botanicals from moving in the resin and requires 48 hours to dry before resin can be sanded and polished. All my pieces are a labor of love and care, and I aim to ensure they last years and hopefully generations.


Why is your shop empty?

Art takes time and care to create which means there will be time between when pieces sell out and when I can create more. The photos posted are the available pieces and are ready to ship. Unless stated, I will not do many made to order pieces which means I will sell out of certain items. Following me on Instagram or signing up for my newsletter is the best way to get updates on when new pieces will be added to the shop as well as what I’m currently working on.